Where Dubai Needs To Step Up – SeaWorld

After the release of Blackfish, SeaWorld has experienced a significant drop in attendance. ”Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale that killed several people while in captivity. Along the way, director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the multi-billion dollar sea-park industry.” To watch Blackfish, click here.

Blackfish Trailer.


Despite the drop in attendance at SeaWorld, they are still planning on expanding in the Middle East. There have been plans to open a SeaWorld in Dubai by the year 2020.

Below, is a link to a petition which asks the government of Dubai to not open a SeaWorld.
”SeaWorld is already one of the worst examples of wild animal abuse in the history of the United States and SeaWorld should not be allowed to exist in Dubai as well.  SeaWorld is absolutely barbaric in terms of what they are doing to these poor marine animals they have in captivity at their theme parks. In the wild, killer whales are the king of the ocean and they swim 100 miles per day. In confinement, they are living in a tiny swimming pool that is the equivalent to a human living in a bathtub. They feed the whales and dolphins drugged fish to keep them docile and brain dead and they starve them as a tool to force them to perform tricks.”

Link to petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/en-ie/118/058/851/tell-the-government-of-dubai-not-to-open-a-seaworld-park-in-dubai/

SeaWorld and marine parks profit from keeping orcas and other marine animals in captivity, despite evidence that captivity not only induces unnatural behaviours in whales, but also endangers trainers. You can pledge not to visit SeaWorld until they empty their orca tanks by clicking the link below:


1396600415842You can avoid contributing to the captivity of these animals by avoiding visiting SeaWorld and other similar marine parks. The key to ending this captivity and slavery is to educate as many people as possible about the suffering these animals have to endure for our entertainment and pleasure. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily

How McDonalds Supports Cruelty

I recently came across a website (http://www.mcdonaldscruelty.com) where they expose some of the horrors behind McDonalds’ Chicken McNuggets. I always knew McDonalds was a dirty, disgusting business but I didn’t realise there was so much suffering behind their food.

Below, is a video on the website, revealing the conditions chickens raised for meat live in and the miserable lives they are put through for our own selfish reasons.

”Birds Are Clubbed, Thrown, and Crowded for Chicken McNuggets

A new undercover investigation into a McDonald’s Chicken McNugget supplier has exposed horrific cruelty to animals, including birds beaten, crammed in filthy sheds, stabbed to death with nails attached to makeshift clubs, and left to suffer and slowly die without proper veterinary care.”

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If you’d rather not watch the graphic video, the description is below:

-In the video, a worker is seen using a long stick with long nails spiking out at the end of it, to beat and stab the chickens.

-Many chickens die from heart attacks or organ failure as a result of being bred to grow faster. They become crippled under their own weight and live uncomfortable, painful lives.

An example of a chicken bred to grow faster with deformed legs.

-Workers routinely stand on chickens heads and begin to pull the spines and skulls from the animals. They are then thrown into buckets where they slowly die.

-The video reveals the disgusting environment these chickens are living in. Hundreds of thousands of chickens are cramped into cramped, dirty, windowless sheds.

How Can I Help?

Across the world, chickens are suffering just as the chickens are, above. As you read this, these innocent animals are being beaten, stabbed, stood on and having their spines and skulls ripped from their bodies, all whilst still being alive and fully conscious. The good news is that you can help and you can make a difference.


Below, is a link to a petition asking that McDonald’s end many of the worst forms of animal abuse and neglect in its supply chain by swiftly adopting meaningful animal welfare policies.



You can also share the link below on social media sites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.



There is also an option on the website to Donate once or monthly to Mercy For Animals.


Eating Compassionately:

My favourite option. You can boycott companies which are involved in this kind of animal cruelty, such as, McDonalds.
Better yet, you can completely avoid contributing to the suffering shown above by adopting a vegan diet/lifestyle. Yes, it is completely healthy and tasty too!
And if you want, you can try animal-free food products which taste and look like the real thing.

By adopting a vegan diet, you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
People are becoming more aware about how animal agriculture is unsustainable and often cruel, but it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.

To learn more about becoming vegan, visit the Becoming Vegan page.

Share this post if you think it was informative or helpful. The key to ending animal suffering is to educate as many people as possible. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily

Avoiding Eggs Won’t Kill You

I’ve recently heard someone claim that animal rights activists or vegan activists try to encourage people not to eat eggs simply because they want to ‘kill off humans’. I’m genuinely curious as to whether or not people actually believe this.

As a vegan activist, I can confidently say that I encourage people to eliminate eggs from their diet because they have been proven to be dangerous to human health and the egg industry can also be cruel.

I care about animals and human health. At no point did I ever wish for any humans to die or for all humans to completely vanish of the earth (although every living thing and the planet would greatly benefit from this). I highly doubt that many animal rights or vegan activists are motivated by the death of humans nor would they wish that upon anyone.

This claim also doesn’t make sense to me because eliminating eggs from your diet will not make you ill, nutrient deficient or kill you. In fact, it should do the opposite.

How are eggs unhealthy?

Here are a couple of reasons:

– Eggs contain animal proteins which have been proven to be harmful for the human body.


– Eggs also contains cholesterol which we don’t need. Our bodies make enough cholesterol that our bodies need.


Removing eggs from your diet should actually improve your overall health. We don’t need eggs to survive and it’s actually kind of strange to be eating the unfertilised eggs of another species anyway.

But don’t take my word for it. Visit the websites of physicians who are reversing cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc. by simply placing patients on a plant-based diet (A diet which does not include animal products ie. meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey)

How are eggs cruel?

Again, here are a few reasons:

-The egg industry can often be cruel. This includes grinding up male chicks whilst they are still fully alive and conscious. And yes, small chicks are still able to experience both physical and emotional pain. The male chicks are practically useless to the egg industry and are therefor considered as ‘waste’.

-Another method of killing the male chicks is simply gassing the chicks, again, whilst they are still alive and fully conscious.

-Chicks beaks are removed to avoid the animals from pecking at each other out of frustration and lack of space. Chicks’ beaks are extremely sensitive, but the removal is still carried out without anaesthetics.


-Often, eggs can come from hens which are confined in small cages, sometimes, unable to even spread their wings. Place a chicken in a cage with a hole where they can see outside, but still unable to go outside and actually fly and be free, and you can call it ‘Free-ranged’. Many people may choose to buy Free-ranged for ethical reasons but are often still unaware as to how the chickens are treated.

Battery cages – Note the low light intensity beyond range of the camera flashgun

There are plenty of other reasons as to why eggs are not ethical, but the reasons listed above are the reasons I tend to focus on.

You can learn more about the unethical side of eggs on www.bitesizevegan.com or www.peta.org.

By adopting a vegan diet, you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
People are becoming more aware about how animal agriculture is unsustainable and often cruel, but it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.

To learn more about becoming vegan, visit the Becoming Vegan page.Share this post if you think it was informative or helpful. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily

We Cannot Justify Eating Animals Because Of Intelligence

I’ve often heard people attempt to justify eating meat by saying something along the lines of ‘We can eat pigs, cows and chickens because we are more intelligent. We’ve built skyscrapers and just look at technology these days’. This argument, to me, makes no sense. If this were the case, then could I justify eating a small child by saying ‘Well, I’m simply more intelligent’? I don’t think so.

Pigs raised for meat are often kept in confined spaces, unable to turn around.

And as for the skyscrapers and technology, I know that I personally haven’t made any contribution to the advancement of technology nor have I built any impressive buildings. Despite this, I still don’t believe that anyone could justify exploiting, torturing, raping or murdering me for this reason.

This excuse seems to apply to not only eating meat but also eating animal bi-products, wearing animal products, and buying products which have been tested on animals.

By making illogical justifications, such as, ‘We can do what we want with non-human animals because we’re simply smarter than them’, we are avoiding addressing the actual issue. I have yet to hear a single valid justification of the slaughter of 160 million animals each year for human consumption. It’s unnecessary and it’s costing the planet, the animals, our health and starving people across the world.

By adopting a vegan diet, you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
People are becoming more aware about how animal agriculture is unsustainable and often cruel, but it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.

To learn more about becoming vegan, visit the Becoming Vegan page.

If your not fully convinced, I’d suggest watching the video below.

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Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

The key to reducing people’s animal product consumption is to educate as many people as possible about the issues animal products can cause to the human body, the environment and the animals. Share buttons are below. Thank You.

-The Vegan Lily

Is Butter Good For You?

”The Danish Dairy Research Foundation recently funded a study in hopes of improving butter’s reputation. Instead, the study found that butter is still bad for you.
 “The study’s findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, instead established that even moderate levels of butter consumption could result in higher cholesterol. At the very least, the study showed that butter raises blood cholesterol levels more than alternatives like olive oil.” – The Washington Post
Countless studies have shown dairy products to be detrimental to human health. Just last year, a study highlighted by The Telegraph found a link between milk consumption and lowered life expectancy. In fact, those who consumed three glasses of milk or more each day were twice as likely to die early as those who drank less or no milk.
MFA investigations at dairy facilities throughout the U.S. have documented a culture of cruelty and neglect. Cows used in dairy production are treated as mere milk-producing machines, and their lives are filled with fear and suffering.”
If your not fully convinced as to why consuming butter is a pretty bad idea, I’d encourage you to watch the video below.

By adopting a vegan diet, you can also reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
People are becoming more aware about how animal agriculture is unsustainable and often cruel, but it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.

To learn more about becoming vegan, visit the Becoming Vegan page.

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

Share this post/video if you think it was informative or helpful. The key to reducing people’s animal product consumption is to educate as many people as possible about the health issues animal products can cause in the human body, the environment and the animals. Share buttons are below. Thank You.

-The Vegan Lily

What Healthy Foods Help Protect Our Eyesight?

Many people who switch to a vegan diet often claim that their eyesight has improved since making the switch. Below is a list of healthy vegan foods which may help improve and protect your eyesight.

1.Pink Or Red Grapefruit

Eating antioxidant-rich produce like pink and red grapefruit, which are rich in both vitamin C and beta carotene, can help protect your eye health.

2. Kale

The pair of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are standouts in a family of nutrients called carotenoids because they’re the only carotenoids found in the lens of the eye. Like all antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin can defuse potentially damaging free radicals.


Replacing low-quality, refined carbs with healthy foods, such as, quinoa is a smart strategy for eyesight and overall health.

4. Sunflower Seeds

A diet full of foods rich in vitamin E, like sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and butters made from these nuts and seeds can protect your vision.

5. Carrots

Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly.

6. Citrus And Berries

These fruits are powerhouses of vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.

7. Almonds

They’re filled with vitamin E, which research has shown to slow macular degeneration.

8. Black Eyed Peas

Black eyed peas contain zinc, an essential trace mineral that is found in high concentration in the eyes. Zinc may help protect your eyes from the damaging effects of light.

By adopting a vegan diet, not only could you protect and improve your eyesight, you can also reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
People are becoming more aware about how animal agriculture is unsustainable and often cruel, but it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.

To learn more about becoming vegan, visit the Becoming Vegan page.

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

Share this post/video if you think it was informative or helpful. The key to reducing people’s animal product consumption is to educate as many people as possible about the health issues animal products can cause in the human body, the environment and the animals. Share buttons are below. Thank You.

-The Vegan Lily

Fish and Diabetes

The following extract has been taken from www.nutritionfacts.org

”In the past two years, six separate meta-analyses have been published on the relationship between fish consumption and type 2 diabetes. The whole point of a meta-analysis is to compile the best studies done to date and see what the overall balance of evidence shows. The fact that there are six different ones published recently highlights how open the question remains. One thread of consistency, though, was that fish consumers in the United States tended to be at greater risk for diabetes.

If we include Europe, then fish eaters appeared to have a 38% increased risk of diabetes. On a per serving basis, that comes out to be about a 5% increase in risk for every serving of fish one has per week. To put that into perspective, a serving of red meat per day is associated with 19% increase in risk. Just one serving per day of fish would be equivalent to a 35% increase in risk. But why might fish be worse than red meat?

Fish intake may increase type 2 diabetes risk by increasing blood sugar levels, as a review of the evidence commissioned by the U.S. government found. The review found that blood sugars increase in diabetics given fish oil. Another possible cause is that omega 3’s appear to cause oxidative stress. A recent study, highlighted in my video, Fish and Diabetes, found that the insulin producing cells in the pancreas don’t appear to work as well in people who eat two or more servings of fish a week. Or it may not be related to omega 3’s at all but rather the environmental contaminants that build up in fish.

It all started with Agent Orange. We sprayed 20 million gallons of the stuff on Vietnam, and some of it was contaminated with trace amounts of dioxins. Though the Red Cross estimates that a million Vietnamese were adversely affected, what about all the servicemen who were exposed spraying it across the countryside? Reports started showing up that veterans exposed to Agent Orange appeared to have higher diabetes rates than unexposed veterans, a link that’s now officially recognized.

These so-called “persistent organic pollutants” are mainly man-made industrial chemicals and are among the most hazardous compounds ever synthesized. They include dioxins, PCBs, and certain chlorine-containing pesticides, all of which are highly resistant to breakdown in the environment.

Initially condemned for their deleterious effect on reproductive function and their ability to cause cancer, there is now a growing body of evidence showing that exposure to these pollutants leads to metabolic diseases such as diabetes. This is a breakthrough that “should require our greatest attention.”

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

Share this post/video if you think it was informative or helpful. The key to reducing people’s fish consumption is to educate as many people as possible about the health issues animal products can cause in the human body. Share buttons are below. Thank You.

-The Vegan Lily

Does Meat Affect Diabetes?

Dr. Greger explains in the video below how meat can affect diabetes.

Description: Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.


The video below also shows Dr. Garth Davis revealing what researchers found in a European diabetes study.


If you would like to learn more about how the consumption of animal products can be harmful to the human body, visit the Health page.

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

Not only is animal agriculture unsustainable and often cruel, it’s been proven that animal products are harmful to human health and the environment. If we don’t begin to make changes in our diets soon, we will be suffering serious consequences in just a few decades.
By adopting a vegan diet you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. You can also cure allergies and acne as well as improving sleep and boosting energy levels.
Your diet will be more friendly to the environment. You’ll be reducing your water usage as well as helping to preserve habitats and species across the world.
You will also be avoiding contributing to animal cruelty by the food industry.
To learn more about becoming vegan, visit  the Becoming Vegan page.

Share this post/video if you think it was informative or helpful. The key to reducing people’s meat consumption is to educate as many people as possible about the health issues animal products can cause in the human body. Share buttons are below. Thank You.

-The Vegan Lily

Patagonias’ Response To PETA Investigation

You may have seen PETAs’ recent video revealing the mistreatment of many sheep which were the sources of Patagonia’s wool.

”A gut-churning PETA video exposé reveals that life is hell for lambs and other sheep exploited for so-called “responsibly sourced” wool. A witness found workers in Argentina hacking into fully conscious lambs, starting to skin some of them while they were still alive and kicking, and otherwise mutilating, abusing, and neglecting lambs and sheep on farms in the Ovis 21 network—Patagonia’s wool supplier.”

Below is the PETA video released in 2015, filmed in 2014.

Warning – Graphic*

To learn more about the treatment of these sheep, visit If It Says ‘Wool’, Leave It On The Shelf.

Update: Patagonia have responded to the released video, going beyond apologizing, and saying that it will not buy more wool until it can extract certain assurances from its supplier.

To thank Patagonia for cutting ties with the wool supplier and making efforts to end their contribution to this type of suffering Click Here.

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

An effective way to help end this suffering is to ensure that you are not contributing to and supporting this industry.  This can be done by simply avoiding wool.

The key to ending the unnecessary suffering of billions of innocent animals each year is to educate as many people as possible. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily

Mercy For Rabbits

Rabbits are often abused and exploited just as cows, pigs, chickens, sheep and fish are.  Below is a video which reveals some of the suffering which many rabbits have to endure on a daily basis.

Warning – Upsetting content*

The industry is unnecessary and does not need to exist. We do not need to wear fur and we do not need to eat rabbit meat.  We can easily make the choice to stop supporting and funding this suffering. I personally don’t understand how people believe that wearing the skin/fur of another animal can be ‘stylish’ or ‘attractive’.  In my eyes, it represents cruelty and death, and nothing more. We have a responsibility to respect the rights of the oppressed. Simply because we believe that we are superior to all other life forms does not give us the right to inflict unnecessary suffering on innocent animals (regardless of whether or not we believe we are superior).  We have the ability and resources to create happy and healthy lives for these rabbits (even in this ‘urbanised’ world), so why don’t we?

Related Posts On The Vegan Lily:

To learn more about similar animal rights issues, visit http://www.animalequality.net/

The key to ending this kind of abuse to billions of innocent animals each year is to educate as many people as possible. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily