Patagonias’ Response To PETA Investigation

You may have seen PETAs’ recent video revealing the mistreatment of many sheep which were the sources of Patagonia’s wool.

”A gut-churning PETA video exposé reveals that life is hell for lambs and other sheep exploited for so-called “responsibly sourced” wool. A witness found workers in Argentina hacking into fully conscious lambs, starting to skin some of them while they were still alive and kicking, and otherwise mutilating, abusing, and neglecting lambs and sheep on farms in the Ovis 21 network—Patagonia’s wool supplier.”

Below is the PETA video released in 2015, filmed in 2014.

Warning – Graphic*

To learn more about the treatment of these sheep, visit If It Says ‘Wool’, Leave It On The Shelf.

Update: Patagonia have responded to the released video, going beyond apologizing, and saying that it will not buy more wool until it can extract certain assurances from its supplier.

To thank Patagonia for cutting ties with the wool supplier and making efforts to end their contribution to this type of suffering Click Here.

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An effective way to help end this suffering is to ensure that you are not contributing to and supporting this industry.  This can be done by simply avoiding wool.

The key to ending the unnecessary suffering of billions of innocent animals each year is to educate as many people as possible. Share buttons are below. Thank you.

-The Vegan Lily